May 2013 will be our first cycle of TTC. As we are trying to 'sway' for a baby girl, we are attempting to do cut-off Shettles method with fairly loose diet.
CD1 started with AF on 5 May
CD6-CD8 - low on CBFM
CD9 - high on CBFM and baby danced
CD10 - high on CBFM
CD11 - high on CBFM and 'topped up' spermies with another baby dance. Egg white CM
CD12 - peak on CBFM with ovulation pain on left side and lower back ache with egg white CM
CD13 - peak on CBFM with no spike in temp rise, creamy CM
CD14 - high on CBFM with no spike in temp rise (hmm..!) and achy lower abdomen (esp left)
Going by my usual tell tale signs I would say I ovulated on CD12 with Ov pain and egg white CM. However there's no temp rise to confirm this.
CD15 - low on CBFM with huge spike in temperature (36.7). Twisted my neck so had a little bit of massage to loosen up my neck by hubs. Creamy CM and yellow pee! Lower pelvic achy feeling
CD16 - temp down to 36.5 and FF shows crosshair and 3dpo today. Continues with creamy CM and yellow pee. Had proper massage n treatment at the Physio's treatment room which was under work insurance. Felt a little nauseous on the way back from work on the train and when I was cooking meat (chicken n pork). Sore and achy back possibly due to the injury from above (?)
CD17 - temp spiked to 36.79 good sign! A lot of very creamy CM. sore lower back. Bleeding gum. Worked from home as neck is still v stiff. No other symptoms.

9dpo - BFN

11dpo - BFN

Temp dropped to below cover line.

30/5/13 - AF arrived :(

The time has cometh!
Our WTT (waiting to try) period has finally come to an end in May 2013. Moving on from WTT to TTC. In preparation for TTC, I have started temping in December 2012 and bought the Clearblue Fertility Monitor(CBFM) in February 2013. The CBFM literature as follows:
Clearblue Fertility Monitor - proven to almost double the chances of conceiving.

The Clearblue Fertility Monitor is the most advanced home method of maximising your chances of getting pregnant.

Most home ovulation tests identify the 2 peak fertility days during your cycle by detecting the surge in Luteinising Hormone (LH) that triggers ovulation. The Clearblue Fertility Monitor is unique as it tracks 2 hormones to typically identify up to 6 fertile days – it not only shows you your 2 peak fertility days, it can also inform most women of an extra 1-5 days of high fertility prior to their peak fertility. Since your partner’s sperm can survive in your body for several days, making love on all of these days can lead to conception.

Pic of how the monitor looks during my Peak.