Unfortunately our pregnancy journey ended on Sunday and going by LMP was 8 weeks and 5 days.

Our journey so far:

5 weeks - spotting and slipped in the bathtub. Food aversion just not want to have anything other than clear chicken soup.

Went for a Private scan at myultrababy. Bean measurements: gestation sac diameter 9mm and yolk sac seen. Told to come back next week.

6 weeks - few more spotting (pink) here and there. More food aversion. Lost about 1kg.

Repeat private scan at myultrababy for extra £30 only due to previous scan.

Bean measurements: gestation sac diameter 13mm, yolk sac seen and fetal pole seen. CRL measured at teeny weeny 1.4mm. Told to get another scan perhaps in two weeks time to see more growth. Probably date 1 week back. So 5+5 instead of 6+5.

8 weeks - a little bleed of fresh red upon wiping on loo roll at 8wks 4days on Friday 20/9 I.e a month since our BFP. Rushed to private clinic at Harley Street (baby company) for a scan. Unfortunately was told by Sonographer that the pregnancy is not viable. Measurements were tiny still and even though there was a heartbeat it was faint at 52bpm and so expect to miscarry within a week. Cried our hearts out. The next day had more heavy bleeding. By Sunday morning I had bad cramps and heavy bleeding. Spent 7 hours at the A&E / early pregnancy unit in Whittington hospital waiting for Dr to attend to emergencies. Upon doing the scan, the Bean's heartbeat has already stop. Waited a couple more hours to be told of the available options. Unfortunately wasn't called back in for a procedure as promised. Not quite impressed.

Got my company health insurance to cover the Evacuation of Retained Products of Conception (ERPC) and was swiftly performed by my Surgeon Miss Atalla at Portland hospital on the same day on Monday after consultation at 12.30pm. Surgery was scheduled at 6.45pm and discharged at midnight.

So I guess the chapter closes on this one. Will try to recover both physically and mentally before embarking on our new journey.

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