It has just dawned on me that yay I'm indeed pregnant. The reason I say this is because on 13dpo (Monday 19th Aug) I had some spotting so I was convinced that I was out that cycle and even texted my husband to say - "we're out! :("

Week 4 started on 20 Aug the day I tested positive with the HPT! :)

Symptoms are: spotting and some cramps

Had a terrible spot on 4 weeks 5 days so was worried sick that day but decided to stay positive.

Continued to take Clearblue digital test and the reassuring thing was the reading changed from "2-3 weeks" to "3+ weeks" pregnant. I've read in forums that that indicates a surge in the hcg level from 200-2000 to >2000 which is amazing news after all those spotting !

Had my first antenatal check up with the community midwife on 27th August at the Whittington Hospital. They were very efficient. I sent in a self referral form on Weds 21st August, got a call from the midwife on Fri 23rd August and was seen on Tues 27th! Well impressed !!

So had my blood tests, urine tests and family history check etc done at 10.30am -12pm.

Continuing prenatal supplement and healthy diet. As mentioned previously I am not taking Pregnacare as it gave me some strange nausea and weird feeling. So have continued with Sanatogen mum-to-be. So far so good! It's got all the required vitamins in there so I'm gonna continue. You get 3 for 2 deals at Boots so that makes it quite affordable.

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