This cycle begun on 30 May - AF arrived while I was 'tour guiding' around London as my relatives visited the city.

This witch hurts pretty badly this month and fingers crossed it will be fine and this shall be the month which we conceive.

Things we will do differently for this month's ttc:

- use preseed (See pic)

- BD until 1 day before ovulation

- improve diet on both sides - me and hubs

- continue with Boots Folic acid and Vit D

CD10 - pinkish EWCM

CD11 - lots of EWCM

Monitor still detected low (strange) as I'm pretty sure it should have been high.

Considering I have an average of 27 days cycle, and usually ovulate between CD13-14 I think this cycle we will try once it shows peak.

CD12 - 36.23 monitor shows peak. Why does CBFM jump from low to peak?

Bad O pain on left. Suspect ovulation soon. BD in the night and propped knees up but fell asleep throughout!

CD13 -36.44 ovulation day(?)

7dpo - lots of creamy CM (see pic, warning TMI)and temp dip to cover line at 36.4 this morning. Am I out this round? :(

9dpo - 11dpo- negative pregnancy strip test and having thrush like symptoms

13dpo and temperature dropped to 36.3. Definitely out this month

AF arrived on 14dpo (24/6/13)..goodbye ttc cycle 2. Onwards and upwards!

7/1/2023 01:53:13 pm

En iyi yalova ilan sitesi burada.


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