Unfortunately our pregnancy journey ended on Sunday and going by LMP was 8 weeks and 5 days.

Our journey so far:

5 weeks - spotting and slipped in the bathtub. Food aversion just not want to have anything other than clear chicken soup.

Went for a Private scan at myultrababy. Bean measurements: gestation sac diameter 9mm and yolk sac seen. Told to come back next week.

6 weeks - few more spotting (pink) here and there. More food aversion. Lost about 1kg.

Repeat private scan at myultrababy for extra £30 only due to previous scan.

Bean measurements: gestation sac diameter 13mm, yolk sac seen and fetal pole seen. CRL measured at teeny weeny 1.4mm. Told to get another scan perhaps in two weeks time to see more growth. Probably date 1 week back. So 5+5 instead of 6+5.

8 weeks - a little bleed of fresh red upon wiping on loo roll at 8wks 4days on Friday 20/9 I.e a month since our BFP. Rushed to private clinic at Harley Street (baby company) for a scan. Unfortunately was told by Sonographer that the pregnancy is not viable. Measurements were tiny still and even though there was a heartbeat it was faint at 52bpm and so expect to miscarry within a week. Cried our hearts out. The next day had more heavy bleeding. By Sunday morning I had bad cramps and heavy bleeding. Spent 7 hours at the A&E / early pregnancy unit in Whittington hospital waiting for Dr to attend to emergencies. Upon doing the scan, the Bean's heartbeat has already stop. Waited a couple more hours to be told of the available options. Unfortunately wasn't called back in for a procedure as promised. Not quite impressed.

Got my company health insurance to cover the Evacuation of Retained Products of Conception (ERPC) and was swiftly performed by my Surgeon Miss Atalla at Portland hospital on the same day on Monday after consultation at 12.30pm. Surgery was scheduled at 6.45pm and discharged at midnight.

So I guess the chapter closes on this one. Will try to recover both physically and mentally before embarking on our new journey.


It has just dawned on me that yay I'm indeed pregnant. The reason I say this is because on 13dpo (Monday 19th Aug) I had some spotting so I was convinced that I was out that cycle and even texted my husband to say - "we're out! :("

Week 4 started on 20 Aug the day I tested positive with the HPT! :)

Symptoms are: spotting and some cramps

Had a terrible spot on 4 weeks 5 days so was worried sick that day but decided to stay positive.

Continued to take Clearblue digital test and the reassuring thing was the reading changed from "2-3 weeks" to "3+ weeks" pregnant. I've read in forums that that indicates a surge in the hcg level from 200-2000 to >2000 which is amazing news after all those spotting !

Had my first antenatal check up with the community midwife on 27th August at the Whittington Hospital. They were very efficient. I sent in a self referral form on Weds 21st August, got a call from the midwife on Fri 23rd August and was seen on Tues 27th! Well impressed !!

So had my blood tests, urine tests and family history check etc done at 10.30am -12pm.

Continuing prenatal supplement and healthy diet. As mentioned previously I am not taking Pregnacare as it gave me some strange nausea and weird feeling. So have continued with Sanatogen mum-to-be. So far so good! It's got all the required vitamins in there so I'm gonna continue. You get 3 for 2 deals at Boots so that makes it quite affordable.


Weehee! Had a very unexpected BFP as I dipped my HPT into the little cup. Gosh still hasn't struck me that it had happened for cycle 4. Just as I was getting excited the cramps and bleeding dampen the mood a little. It's pinkish discharge with some cm. I've trawled through tonnes of forums to find out if this was a major problem.

I've included some photos (a lot of it can be quite disturbing and TMI) but I guess it's better more info than less as when I was researching there wasn't much images to help ease my worries.

From next post I will update week by week! Til then, lots of baby dust to you xx


As said in previous post AF arrived unwelcomingly on 23 July. I hope this month my cycle is a little better and ovulation coincides with signs and the monitor.

Will take it easy this time round. Still the same I guess : BD everyday or every other day until O and use preseed.

CD12 On Saturday and some baby dancing is on schedule haha! CM has been in abundance as I've just finished the hot Crossfire series 3 books in 2 days, ahh! The emotional angst and romance between the two characters being Eva (or the 50 shades Ana!) and Gideon (or Christian Grey equiv!). Much prefer this author than FSOG, pretty well written in comparison.

CD13 and monitor is showing a brush sign error symbol with the test stick showing two lines (my usual tell tale sign that can mean the monitor should be showing peak) but it reads 'low' fertility.

Same on CD14 and monitor is with brush error. This time it has asked me to eject the stick and clean it. So I did and when I put it back on it reads 'low'. Quite disappointed that it is still low?! Quite unusual.

CD15 - monitor is now showing high (was expecting peak(?!) so went to Boots on my way home and bought the Clearblue Easy ovulation test and tested at 8pm with faint positive so I guess the monitor has missed the surge because of the problem with brush.

Must have been ovulating as I can feel massive cramps going on. Decided to BD anyway to maximise chances.

CD16-17 monitor is now showing high fertility but some reason I didn't test with the easy Ov tests. Oh well!

CD16 the bitch of uti returned after many months/year..! My saviour D Mannose was left at home so i travelled is few miles on the DLR to Greenwich to get my supplies. By the time I got home I was already in so much pain with blood in urine.

CD17 - either because of the fever or because of the ovulation, my temp shot up to 36.83 and just waiting on the crosshair to be confirmed by FF. Called the clearblue helpline and turned out they are super helpful. I've asked whether the device is faulty because it asked for a clean (brush symbol) and from then it gave me high instead of peak. Obviously they can't say for sure but she said that it may be that the monitor has missed the surge because it couldn't read the test stick. Since i have also tested the clearblue easy ovulation test she said I could probably go with the fact ovulation occurred on CD14/15. She said I can continue to feed the monitor with test stick every morning but if it has missed the peak it will keep asking for one until next cycle. Alternatively I can stop feeding it and let my 10 sticks remain for next cycle.

I think we are out this cycle. Because of these problems and also me being ill (with stupid UTI!).

Crosshair On chart confirming ovulation on CD15 by FF.

Oh well fingers crossed but probably better luck next month?

All my symptoms have been disregarded due to kidney infection. In fact the doctor has put me on Cefalexin or Keflex to Get better. So was thinking the chances was pretty low this month with me not being well and monitor a bit cranky.

Well hang on..just as i was giving up, I noticed the BBT temp chart has stayed elevated even past 13dpo (?!)

So out of curiosity I took out the clearblue easy test but was thinking 'hmm, I'm really just wasting a test here' as I was so convinced the UTI and antibiotics would have done me no good this cycle. As I dipped the stick in, slowly it turned to + BFP!!!

I still can't believe this!! So as my hands were shaking I went to my hubs to tell him as he was still sleeping and broke the news to him. He looked at me perplexed as I've told him last night when I had my pink discharge that the AF bitch is here and my back was aching and I had a bit of cramps. I then took out my FRER to test and lo and behold it went to faint positive too! Praise God for all these miracles!!

Some bfp pictures to look at. I've been staring at them for days!

FF chart

This cycle started off with auntie visiting on 24/6/13! After that few days of thrush-like symptoms I was pretty glad AF is here. Also my temp drop did give an indiction Cycle 2 wasn't gonna work. Oh well this month hopefully we are luckier!

Different things vs prior month:

Sanatogen pregnancy supplement

BD everyday from CD10-CD14


(Tried the ever famous Pregnacare Conception by Vitabiotics during last phases of cycle 2 of our TTC but made me feel so ill for three days so I stopped and went on Sanatogen instead) - link here


BD from CD12-15 everyday

This month somehow monitor isn't detecting any peak until CD 14! FF confirmed ovulation based on combination of monitor and BBT readings to be CD15!

1-3Dpo - nothing special but creamy CM

4Dpo - creamy CM, massive breakout, cramps Or twinges around lower right belly and sore throat - temp 36.62

5Dpo - creamy yellow cm , continuous breakout (not had it so bad before) - temp 36.6

Tested on 9 dpo and 10 dpo both were negative! Blurgh hate the hpt by day 11.

Temp dropped to 36.24 on 14 dpo confirming my luck has gone this month.

Unfortunately auntie flow happened on 15dpo which was 23 July. Been helluva ride this month as cycle is a bit out of whack. Hey ho, next month !


This cycle begun on 30 May - AF arrived while I was 'tour guiding' around London as my relatives visited the city.

This witch hurts pretty badly this month and fingers crossed it will be fine and this shall be the month which we conceive.

Things we will do differently for this month's ttc:

- use preseed (See pic)

- BD until 1 day before ovulation

- improve diet on both sides - me and hubs

- continue with Boots Folic acid and Vit D

CD10 - pinkish EWCM

CD11 - lots of EWCM

Monitor still detected low (strange) as I'm pretty sure it should have been high.

Considering I have an average of 27 days cycle, and usually ovulate between CD13-14 I think this cycle we will try once it shows peak.

CD12 - 36.23 monitor shows peak. Why does CBFM jump from low to peak?

Bad O pain on left. Suspect ovulation soon. BD in the night and propped knees up but fell asleep throughout!

CD13 -36.44 ovulation day(?)

7dpo - lots of creamy CM (see pic, warning TMI)and temp dip to cover line at 36.4 this morning. Am I out this round? :(

9dpo - 11dpo- negative pregnancy strip test and having thrush like symptoms

13dpo and temperature dropped to 36.3. Definitely out this month

AF arrived on 14dpo (24/6/13)..goodbye ttc cycle 2. Onwards and upwards!


May 2013 will be our first cycle of TTC. As we are trying to 'sway' for a baby girl, we are attempting to do cut-off Shettles method with fairly loose diet.
CD1 started with AF on 5 May
CD6-CD8 - low on CBFM
CD9 - high on CBFM and baby danced
CD10 - high on CBFM
CD11 - high on CBFM and 'topped up' spermies with another baby dance. Egg white CM
CD12 - peak on CBFM with ovulation pain on left side and lower back ache with egg white CM
CD13 - peak on CBFM with no spike in temp rise, creamy CM
CD14 - high on CBFM with no spike in temp rise (hmm..!) and achy lower abdomen (esp left)
Going by my usual tell tale signs I would say I ovulated on CD12 with Ov pain and egg white CM. However there's no temp rise to confirm this.
CD15 - low on CBFM with huge spike in temperature (36.7). Twisted my neck so had a little bit of massage to loosen up my neck by hubs. Creamy CM and yellow pee! Lower pelvic achy feeling
CD16 - temp down to 36.5 and FF shows crosshair and 3dpo today. Continues with creamy CM and yellow pee. Had proper massage n treatment at the Physio's treatment room which was under work insurance. Felt a little nauseous on the way back from work on the train and when I was cooking meat (chicken n pork). Sore and achy back possibly due to the injury from above (?)
CD17 - temp spiked to 36.79 good sign! A lot of very creamy CM. sore lower back. Bleeding gum. Worked from home as neck is still v stiff. No other symptoms.

9dpo - BFN

11dpo - BFN

Temp dropped to below cover line.

30/5/13 - AF arrived :(

The time has cometh!
Our WTT (waiting to try) period has finally come to an end in May 2013. Moving on from WTT to TTC. In preparation for TTC, I have started temping in December 2012 and bought the Clearblue Fertility Monitor(CBFM) in February 2013. The CBFM literature as follows:
Clearblue Fertility Monitor - proven to almost double the chances of conceiving.

The Clearblue Fertility Monitor is the most advanced home method of maximising your chances of getting pregnant.

Most home ovulation tests identify the 2 peak fertility days during your cycle by detecting the surge in Luteinising Hormone (LH) that triggers ovulation. The Clearblue Fertility Monitor is unique as it tracks 2 hormones to typically identify up to 6 fertile days – it not only shows you your 2 peak fertility days, it can also inform most women of an extra 1-5 days of high fertility prior to their peak fertility. Since your partner’s sperm can survive in your body for several days, making love on all of these days can lead to conception.

Pic of how the monitor looks during my Peak.